h-team GmbH & Co. KG
Hänel vertical storage: efficient, fast and space-saving
h-team in Calw, Germany, is just the right provider when it comes to data communication systems, machine wiring and security systems. The company, with headquarters in the Black Forest, has been growing its business consistently over the past 12 years.
To ensure quick and flexible delivery logistics, h-team installed ten Hänel Lean-Lifts® in its new building in Calw. These vertical storage systems will ensure that enough space is available for the expanding product portfolio, both now and in the future.
What's more, the new Lean-Lifts® are also equipped with Hänel EcoMode® to save energy. According to variable time intervals chosen by the customer, this feature gradually shuts down various system components in four steps until each system reaches standby mode when the Lean-Lifts® are not in operation. The systems are then quickly reactivated when operations begin again.
The h-team configuration comprises two clusters, each with five vertical lifts installed next to each other. This enables simultaneous order picking with several systems to support fast and efficient processing.
Employees simply scan the article barcode shown on the order. Each Hänel system then automatically transports the right storage container to the retrieval point.
One key advantage of flexible Hänel systems is the easy conversion or rearrangement of storage space in the systems to address future requirements. When h-team moved into its new building, the Hänel service team was at the site – the move was completed in just five days. Employees at h-team worked hand in hand with Hänel specialists. The distribution center went into operation right on schedule, keeping downtime to an absolute minimum. In addition, the vertical Hänel systems were augmented and adjusted to fit the height of the new building. This is possible at any time thanks to the flexible and variable design of Hänel storage systems.
Another important aspect is the reliable performance of Hänel systems, which is supported by 24-hour service on more than 300 days per year, not to mention efficient monitoring and diagnostic systems, plus the availability of Hänel service engineers whenever needed.