Herren Frères & Cie
Grandson, CH
Top storage flexibility with the extra-wide Hänel Lean-Lift® and two Lean-Lifts® for pallets
Herren Freres is a leading provider of plumbing and heating supplies located in the western region of Switzerland.
The central warehouse is comprised of one extrawide Hänel Lean-Lift® and two Hänel Lean-Lifts® for pallet storage. The vertical lifts are six meters in height and contain more than 1,800 different plumbing components, production material and spare parts.
The retrieval access point of the lift system is 3.20 meters wide, and the system offers space for 45 storage positions per container.
Ergonomic storage of pallets at a height of six meters with the Hänel Lean-Lift® pallet system
The company uses two Hänel Lean-Lift® pallet systems to store extremely heavy items.
Pallet trucks are used for safe and ergonomic retrieval or positioning of the pallets on any one of the 34 lift containers available.
The Hänel MP 12 N controller makes inventory management for all components stored in the vertical lifts easy and convenient. Employees request items for retrieval by entering the item number on the Hänel MP 12 N control unit.
The Hänel Lean-Lift® then brings the items to the access point for ergonomic retrieval. Picking errors are effectively prevented thanks to the compartment and sub-level indicators installed at the access point. The current item inventory can be shown on the touch screen of the compact controller at any time.
Two Hänel Rotomat® office systems are used to archive customer information and technical documents in the business office. The complete height of the building is utilized – including the basement level – for maximum storage capacity.

'The Hänel Lean-Lifts® open up more floor space that we can use for the trainee workshop. And we have an updated inventory overview at all times thanks to the Hänel control system. This investment has fully met our expectations.'
Daniel Herren
Managing Director